“I just need to get a job and get my life back” she said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Her belief was that if she ‘just moved on’ the effects from the trauma would just go away. Well, that is partially true, I suppose. In time, some of the immediate effects will fade into the past, but they won’t just go away or disappear as if nothing ever happened. A traumatic event settles deep within a victim, and it takes time to heal as well as to recognize the effects of the trauma.
Part II
There are stages of healing following a trauma, and everyone copes with this process differently. Healing and coping with the impact of trauma can take time, but you can get to a place where you have a sense of trust and security, are able to have healthy relationships, and find meaning and purpose in your life.
Dear Survivor,
First, it’s important that you are patient with yourself as well as compassionate. A trauma specialist can help you recognize emotions for what they are, accept them as a normal response, and learn to deal with them as the healing takes place. You went through something that no one should ever have to endure, and you are certainly not alone in your struggles. The aftermath of trauma is tough. Treat yourself with the same care and kindness that you would a friend or loved one who had experienced the same type of trauma.
Reach out for help today. Just opening up will begin the path to healing. A common phrase used in Celebrate Recovery groups is, “The sickness is in the secret.” It’s true. Open up and begin to dispel the lies and receive the healing you deserve.
Make the call 501-301-HELP (4357) or 501-993-1641. If you don’t call PATH, call someone. Get help. You are worth it! We are praying with you!
This is PART TWO of an educational series on healing from sexual assault called “Dear Survivor” by Louise Allison, Founder of PATH; Nurse; Speaker, Writer, Survivor