PATH is changing our education tactics! In the past, we have scheduled a certain number of Sex Crimes Awareness Trainings (SCAT) and tried to advertise it for people to sign up. We are changing it up! Currently, you can schedule a SCAT for your own church or organization! We ask that you provide the location and the AVL and get 10 people to sign up.
Are you wondering what the SCAT is about? We cover a range of topics in-depth. These topics include human trafficking, grooming, survivor interaction, how a brain is traumatized, how to be safe on the internet or while dating, teaching children about the internet, pornography, how to respond when trafficking is suspected, and ways you can get involved and make a difference. We have heard from so many previous attendees how impactful this class was. Now, we have updated the information and the way we present it!
Schedule a SCAT with your church, hotel business, or trucking company today! Everyone should be educated regarding human trafficking and how to be safe! This class is now free, with donations accepted. We will also sell T-shirts and other merchandise! Register at our Education page on our website: