It’s hard to believe that 2025 is here! But before we take off into this year’s adventures, we want to take a minute to recap 2024 and thank some very special people.
There were many changes in the past year. One of those changes was the retirement of founder and Executive Director, Louise Allison and a new Director taking charge of the agency. That Director did not work out and the Board began their search for another. During those rough months, all services including survivor care suffered greatly. We wondered if the agency would survive.
By the grace of God, PATH not only survived but bounced back strong. This miraculous recovery was possible because of those who, despite the hard months, stayed strong in prayer, friendship, care, and support. Those of us who have known PATH for years were overwhelmingly blessed by others who came alongside us and cared deeply for us and the mission of PATH. Thank you! What we went through last year was by far the most difficult time we’d ever known at PATH and we simply would not have made it without you, your care, and friendship. We are beyond blessed by you. Thank you!
The Board along with the help of many friends and supporters, stayed in prayer for what might be next for PATH while continuing the search for a new Director. We believed the Lord would provide, and He did.
We are honored and beyond thrilled to formally announce the new PATH Co-Directors, Eric and Brenna Holland.
Eric is a 21-year veteran and retiree from the US Army. During his time in service, he obtained a degree in Healthcare Administration. After retiring from the Army in 2021, he returned to his home state of Arkansas and began working to support survivors of sexual abuse serving as the Clinical Director for PATH for 3 years. During that time, he provided superb care for survivors aged 4 and up. He developed programs for young moms which included a work program. He facilitated the opening of The Blue Sparrow store where he, along with other PATH team members, taught job skills and offered what was often the first job many of these young ladies ever had.
His relationship with the survivors was one of the first “safe” relationships most of these precious girls had with a male which catapulted their recovery. He also served on the leadership team of PATH which allowed him to know every detail of the business. We are blessed to welcome Eric back and have the double blessing of welcoming his wife Brenna to join him in this new venture.
Brenna Holland, during her time as a military spouse, worked mostly in education. She was also a Family Service Worker Supervisor for Arkansas Department of Human Services. These two careers brought much abuse into her sights and broke her heart.
Brenna has a degree in Intercultural Studies from Calvary University. She first heard about sex-trafficking while her husband was stationed in Leavenworth, KS in 2009. Her heart was broken even more and she soon went on her first mission trip to Thailand to support work fighting sex trafficking. That was just the beginning of her passion for, and service to the fight against this horrific crime.
We are honored and blessed to have Eric and Brenna as Co-Directors of PATH. They have begun to pick up the pieces from a difficult year and move forward, determined to make a difference as has been the history of PATH. Together they have developed a 2025 Plan, Budget and maybe even a new Mission Statement. The website and media sites are being updated as we write this and speaking engagements are being scheduled to educate the most vulnerable populations on how to stay safe from the traps of sex-trafficking, exploitation, and abuse. Eric and Brenna are ready and excited to share all they doing so feel free to email questions to
As has been the tradition of PATH, we believe in complete transparency. What this means is that donors, and the communities we serve, have access to everything that goes on at PATH with the exception of protected, confidential information about survivors. This means that you also have the ability to see all financial information, except, of course, information about donors. This information will be made available for in-person inspection. As stated, we will not disclose the name and contact information of any contributor and will continue to protect that information, along with the confidential records of survivors, at all cost. However, the PATH daily business, services provided and funds allocation/disbursement of funds will be made available upon request.
As previously mentioned, we are in the process of updating the website and other social media platforms. Thank you for your patience during this transition. Please keep communicating openly with us about needs, concerns and your amazing ideas.
We thank you for walking alongside us during the difficult times of 2024. Your prayers, along with the amazing provision and guidance from our Heavenly Father have sustained us. So, that mention at the beginning of this letter about thanking some very special people was about thanking YOU. You have stayed with us through a tough year. You never wavered or grew weak. You stood beside us and held us up. And then, as if your ongoing care and friendship were not enough, we received a donation of $500,000 “in honor of Louise Allison and all PATH has done for so many”. Thank you! All of you! And mostly, thank our Heavenly Father God for bringing us through this difficult season and giving us you!
Sincerely and with great appreciation,
Stacie Guess, PATH Board President
Along with the entire PATH Board of Directors